Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions about Nobilis® IB vaccines.
Nobilis® IB Ma5
How does the Ma5 strain differ from other IBV strains?
Answer: The Ma5 strain belongs to the Massachusetts serotype. However, Ma5 is very different from most commonly known Massachusetts type vaccines because it is more strongly antigenic. Because of this important feature, it was used to develop a new Massachusetts vaccine so that improved protection against field challenges could be achieved.
Can Nobilis® IB Ma5 be combined with other vaccines?
Answer: Nobilis® IB Ma5 is compatible with Nobilis® IB 4/91, Nobilis® ND Hitchner, Nobilis® ND Clone 30 and Nobilis® Rhino CV. The vaccine should not be administered in combination with live Avian Metapneumovirus vaccines other than Nobilis® Rhino CV. A period of 2 weeks should be left between vaccinations with Nobilis® IB Ma5 and other live vaccines against Avian metapneumovirus infections.
Will Nobilis® IB Ma5 induce enough protection against field infections caused by other serotypes?
Answer: If the variant serotypes fit into the protectotype range of Nobilis® IB Ma5 then cross–protection will be achieved. More information see Trials live vaccines.
Nobilis® IB 4/91
How much reaction can be expected after vaccination with Nobilis® IB 4/91?
Answer: Nobilis® IB 4/91 will cause a vaccination reaction similar to other mild IB vaccines.
Is a 4/91 inactivated vaccine necessary for the protection of layers and breeders during the production period?
Answer: An inactivated vaccine containing 4/91 is not necessary. Layers and/or breeders primed with Nobilis® IB 4/91 and vaccinated with an inactivated vaccine based on the Massachusetts (M41) serotype will also develop high levels of (VN) antibodies against 4/91. For more information see Nobilis® IB 4/91.
Will Nobilis® IB 4/91 induce enough protection against field infections caused by other serotypes?
Answer: If the variant serotypes fit into the protectotype range of Nobilis® IB 4/91 then cross–protection will be achieved. For more information see Trials live vaccines.